Empowering Women: Ayushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana

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The Ayushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana’, a government scheme launched by the Modi administration in 2018 to provide healthcare to underprivileged families, has achieved a significant milestone. The proportion of women beneficiaries under this scheme has now risen to 48%. Over the past 6 years, a total of 6.5 crore individuals have received hospital admissions and treatment through Ayushman Bharat, with 3.2 crore of them being women. The government has allocated a total of Rs 81,979 crore for healthcare services under the scheme, with Rs 39,349 crore specifically utilized for women beneficiaries.

According to officials from the National Health Authority overseeing Ayushman Bharat, there are 8 states where the number of women beneficiaries surpasses that of men. Meghalaya leads with 68% women beneficiaries, followed by Arunachal Pradesh (57%), Chhattisgarh (56%), Mizoram (54%), Nagaland (53%), Jharkhand and Tripura (51%), and Jammu and Kashmir (50%). Additionally, women have predominantly utilized medical services for cancer, eye issues, ENT problems, and newborn care packages.

Reason for the positive shift:

The evolution in healthcare services for women can be attributed to a specific change. A senior official from the National Health Authority stated, ‘Prior to the implementation of Ayushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana, only one health card was issued under the National Insurance Scheme to families below the poverty line, predominantly males. This system forced women to rely on men for healthcare access. Recognizing this challenge,ushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana introduced individual health cards for every family member, empowering women to seek medical treatment independently.

What is Ayushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana:

Ayushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana offers cashless healthcare benefits of up to Rs 5 lakh to economically disadvantaged families. Launched by the government in 2018, the scheme has issued Ay Bharat cards to 32 crore individuals to date. Initially, 10 crore cards were distributed within the first two years of the scheme’s inception. The government later expedited the process by issuing an additional 20 crore cards in the subsequent years through the assistance of Asha workers.

Eligibility for Ayushman Bharat-PM Jan Arogya Yojana:

To qualify for Ayushman Bharat benefits, individuals must meet four criteria. First, their annual income should not exceed Rs 2.5 lakh. Second, there should be no other earning member above 16 years of age in the household. Third, applicants from the SC or ST categories are eligible. Finally, individuals without permanent housing can also avail themselves of the scheme.

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